Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day Reaction

I knew before I stepped in the door of this class that it was going to be unique, and just hearing about the things we are going to cover I became interested, kinda scared, slightly worried, but definitely ready to have an open mind. At times during the class I felt like a was missing things because I hadn't seen a movie, or known about a certain person, and so couldn't really make a opinion. I'm really not looking forward to watching or learning about the graphic things we may cover. I have a strong stance against horror and gore, because I just don't want those images in my head, but this class is required so i really don't have a choice.

i really like when we began the lesson on what is multimedia. its one of those words you think you know but the definition- time controlling tools working together- is profoundly simple. I really like the variety of examples that was given, from the decaying shoes to the salt and glue sculpture, and especially the church example. I always think that a church has art, or is art as a building , or that singing takes place in church, but the idea that it all togeher is a form af art seprate from its parts- that seems logical and very intriguing. even though it makes me realy angry to think about what has happened "i the name of the church"- but that sdegressing. overall its hard to judge something before it happens so i'll see how the class progresses. I'm nervous about some of the standards that have been set for the projects, especially the performance piece, which i'm dreading the most.

All together though i'm eager andf ready to learn a very unique aproach to art and how it is intertwined with technology.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry: I will carefuly avoid that scene in the documentary. Bob Flanagan was a very very interesting artist that had to face death every day because of his health. It is actually a very sad story at the end, just imagine being told that you will not live past the age of 20... He finally died at the age of 43. He actually became a very visible face for people with Cystic Fibrosis.
